Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

Cheat Lineage2 indo adena.
teman2 yg pny cheat gold/adena untuk L2 indo.. saya mta dong, T.T sudah capek aku miskin meloo,. dihina orang2.

Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

english lesson


Internet is media which have many functions. Internet also named as information sources, from internet we can get many thing that we need, such as article, journal, connecting media, and many other. Especially for scholars internet like a primary necessities can’t to disappear in this global era.
In scholar condition, internet used to study methods from teachers to students. For example : the teacher giving exam for students and the result must be sent via email or publish via blog, many thing expressions to using internet.
Internet also have a entertain media. Like use facebook as media of connecting people without limited room and distance again, twitter that we can get many information fast, so that also can improve our knowledge about many thing that provided in this world.
Most of scholar in indinessa using internet still minim, anything still done by manual, although the teacher must give education about technology to balance the globalitation era, because many disadvantages in indonessia of using internet still expensive, can’t access well, and many others.
Internet is very important for scholar, because the school named advance and international standart school if that school have all of student can acces internet programs well. And also have good technology and achievement.
So, many function of that we can get from using internet as study media, we can feel easily and our knowledge more than tomorrow. As a student we mus know anything about internet and how to using well, we must used internet on disadvantages only not to anything that can makes us bad. Keep our earth to makes internet well.